*You are interested in adopting a cat?  Very well then.  We have some breeding *

*right now and you can choose the parents!*

*First we have Cynthia and Autumn Breeze.*

*Cynthia**Autumn Breeze*8

*They had 3 beautiful kittys.*


*Chesnut Skye**Cloudy Day**Cutey Pie*

*Secondly we have Katherine and Sugar.*


*They had 2 pretty kittys!*


*Peachy Cream**Which Way*

*If you want one of these cute kittens, DO NOT TAKE THEM NOW but *

*fill out the form below and it will be sent to you full grown!  Cool, huh?*

*The other cool thing about these kittens is that they can breed when they*

*get older!*

*Adoption Form*


*E-mail Address*

*Website Address*

*Which Kitty Do You Want?*
